*SMH* (That's Shaking My Head 4 Those That Don't Know Computer Language)

I was watching MTV Cribs last night and they had one show dedicated to 50 Cent showing his whole crib. Ok...so first of all...this nigga's bedroom looks like a freakin 200,000 sq. ft. condo and his bathroom is as big as the whole lower level of my house...not to mention that his closet size was sickening! Second of all, each member of G-Unit has their own room in the house...in one of the WINGS. Third of all...the guy has an entire nightclub that can hold 22,000 people. And if all of this isn't enough, the man ended the episode by flying his own helicopter away to who knows where! Now I've seen some outrageous stuff on cribs...but never anybody flying their own helicopter away. Simply put....50 just got TOO MUCH DAMN MONEY!!! Lol...ridiculous!

1 comment:

Andre Prewitt said...

i saw that episode awhile back, 50 is sick, I respect his swag and the wealth is sick