
Have you ever had a feeling to just overwhelm you to such a degree, it feels like you're physically filled with it? Kinda like your entire chest cavity is filled with that emotion. Whether it's feelings of happiness, love, anger, sadness, emptiness, or pride....when you feel like you're being physically filled with an emotion, it's almost indescribable. I'mma try to explain it the best way possible though, and I hope u feel what I'm saying. When that feeling is sadness, you feel like your heart is breaking into two...I know...I felt it the day my dad died. And even though I have my days when I'm really missing him, nothing compares to that overwhelming, chest filling, emotion I remember having the day he died. On the other hand, when that feeling is happiness, you feel like your chest is gonna burst from the amount of happiness that you're feeling. I felt like that the other day. I was just so happy that my chest felt like it was going to pop open...lol! Don't ask me what brought it on...I don't know and I'm not gonna complain about it! I just know it felt good because I haven't been happy...like THAT...in a long time, if ever.

1 comment:

Andre Prewitt said...

Finally a blog from the MarV Ms. tuggy