Photoshop Is The BEST!!!

Yesterday, I finally decided to use Photoshop CS3 for it's BASIC function and that was to...TA DA...enhance photos! Lol...these are some of my pictures that I've taken the ones on the left being the original shots and the right ones are their edited versions. I basically just played with the Shadows/Highlights and Brightness/Contrast to bring out more of the color and details within the photos. Some of these are pics that I haven't posted before, and some you have seen before on my "Playing Photographer" post, but won't hurt ya to see em again! Lol! But yeah...check em out and let me know what you think and if you like the original or edited versions better!

And this is a picture that Dre took...I loved it so much I wanted to put a little tweak on it too! Lol!