Just Thinkin...

So I've been doing a loooot of thinking lately about my future and how my present actions will eventually effect my future, and I realize that I have a few really bad habits that I need to kick before it's too late. For one, I've always been a last minute person. That's just my nature. I don't know where I got the trait from because everyone in my family is so timely with things, but I've always just gotten things done better at the last minute. So, because I've always pulled off whatever it was that needed to be done in last minute fashion, it's become a really terrible habit. Some things, I don't mind procrastinating, because like I said...I've done some of my best work at the last minute. I've gotten plenty of A papers and projects that have been completed the night before. But now, I realize that some things you just CANNOT procrastinate about, and sadly it has taken me 23 years to see that. I didn't realize how set I was in my "last minute" ways until I almost didn't have any classes for this semester, and I was sooo disappointed in myself when I realized how I have let procrastination spill over into many areas of my life. School, work, and just a lot of things in general....when I really think back on a lot of situations that I've missed out on, or could have been prevented and realize that it was that "last minute" mentality that caused it, I get mad at myself because I know that I know better. It's just really upsetting because even though I'm trying to stop, I consciously know that I'm still doing it in some areas and it's because it's from habit. I know habits are hard to break overnight, but I'm trying SO HARD to work on it because I know that if I don't fix it, then I'm not going to be hurting anyone but myself in the long run.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yeah babe them bad habits sucks, But we gotta break em eventually, why not start sooner than later, love you