
Have you ever had a feeling to just overwhelm you to such a degree, it feels like you're physically filled with it? Kinda like your entire chest cavity is filled with that emotion. Whether it's feelings of happiness, love, anger, sadness, emptiness, or pride....when you feel like you're being physically filled with an emotion, it's almost indescribable. I'mma try to explain it the best way possible though, and I hope u feel what I'm saying. When that feeling is sadness, you feel like your heart is breaking into two...I know...I felt it the day my dad died. And even though I have my days when I'm really missing him, nothing compares to that overwhelming, chest filling, emotion I remember having the day he died. On the other hand, when that feeling is happiness, you feel like your chest is gonna burst from the amount of happiness that you're feeling. I felt like that the other day. I was just so happy that my chest felt like it was going to pop open...lol! Don't ask me what brought it on...I don't know and I'm not gonna complain about it! I just know it felt good because I haven't been happy...like THAT...in a long time, if ever.

*SMH* (That's Shaking My Head 4 Those That Don't Know Computer Language)

I was watching MTV Cribs last night and they had one show dedicated to 50 Cent showing his whole crib. Ok...so first of all...this nigga's bedroom looks like a freakin 200,000 sq. ft. condo and his bathroom is as big as the whole lower level of my house...not to mention that his closet size was sickening! Second of all, each member of G-Unit has their own room in the house...in one of the WINGS. Third of all...the guy has an entire nightclub that can hold 22,000 people. And if all of this isn't enough, the man ended the episode by flying his own helicopter away to who knows where! Now I've seen some outrageous stuff on cribs...but never anybody flying their own helicopter away. Simply put....50 just got TOO MUCH DAMN MONEY!!! Lol...ridiculous!

This Is Very Interesting...

My friend Dino sent me this e-mail a couple of days ago with some tidbits of info about the McCain/Palin camp and some of the accusations being made against Obama. I found it pretty interesting and VERY amusing!

I'm a little confused. Let me see if I have this straight.....

* If you grow up in Hawaii and were raised by your grandparents, you're
'exotic, different.'

* Grow up in Alaska eating mooseburgers and it's a quintessential American


* If your name is Barack you're a radical, unpatriotic Muslim.

* Name your kids Willow, Trig and Track, you're a maverick.


* Graduate from Harvard law School and you are unstable.

* Attend 5 different small colleges before graduating, you're well


* If you spend 3 years as a brilliant community organizer, become the
first black President of the Harvard Law Review, create a voter
registration drive that registers 150,000 new voters, spend 12 years as
a Constitutional Law professor, spend 8 years as a State Senator
representing a district with over 750,000 people, become chairman of the
state Senate's Health and Human Services committee, spend 4 years in the
United States Senate representing a state of 13 million people while
sponsoring 131 bills and serving on the Foreign Affairs, Environment and
Public Works and Veteran's Affairs committees, you don't have any real
leadership experience.

* If your total resume is: local weather lady, 4 years on the city
council and 6 years as the mayor of a town with less than 7,000 people,
20 months as the governor of a state with only 650,000 people, then
you're qualified to become the country's second highest ranking


* If you have been married to the same woman for 19 years while raising
2 beautiful daughters, all within Protestant churches, you're not a real

* If you cheated on your first wife with a rich heiress, and left your
disfigured wife and married the heiress the next month, you're a


* If you teach responsible, age appropriate sex education, including the
proper use of birth control, you are eroding the fiber of society.

* If, while governor, you staunchly advocate abstinence only, with no
other option in sex education in your state's school system while your
unwed teen daughter ends up pregnant , you're very


* If your wife is a Harvard graduate lawyer who gave up a position in a
prestigious law firm to work for the betterment of her inner city
community, then gave that up to raise a family, your family's
values don't represent America's.

* If you're husband is nicknamed 'First Dude',? with at least one DWI
conviction and no college education, who didn't register to vote until
age 25 and once was a member of a group that advocated the
secession of Alaska from the USA, your family is extremely admirable.

OK, it's much clearer now.

Photoshop Is The BEST!!!

Yesterday, I finally decided to use Photoshop CS3 for it's BASIC function and that was to...TA DA...enhance photos! Lol...these are some of my pictures that I've taken the ones on the left being the original shots and the right ones are their edited versions. I basically just played with the Shadows/Highlights and Brightness/Contrast to bring out more of the color and details within the photos. Some of these are pics that I haven't posted before, and some you have seen before on my "Playing Photographer" post, but hey...it won't hurt ya to see em again! Lol! But yeah...check em out and let me know what you think and if you like the original or edited versions better!

And this is a picture that Dre took...I loved it so much I wanted to put a little tweak on it too! Lol!

Look At My Babies!

Allow me to introduce to you my BEAUTIFUL god-babies Kaylin and Jordan! Aren't they precious?! Kaylin "Diva #1" is on the left and Jordan (JoJo) "Diva #2" is on the right. And both of them looking just like their mama (my sis Ashley)! Lol! Anywho...I just felt like being a proud "god-ma" for a sec! I love them so! :-)

Uploaded by CellSpin

My First Voice Blog!

I'm loving this!

Uploaded by CellSpin

This Is A Test!

I'm testing out this new app on my iPhone called Cell Spin that's supposed to allow me to write and post blogs, pictures, and voice memos straight from my phone! Coolness! Let's see if it works! Oh yeah...and I know you're loving the no-frame nerd glasses...Lol!

Uploaded from my iPhone

Road Trip Gone Wrong!!!

1 new front left tire = $145

Cost of towing the Six home = $80

Tire replacement fee = $55

A new DieHard battery - $110

4 new brake pads = $76

1 Front Wheel Alignment -$60 (Approx.)

1 (Attempted) Road Trip to Nashville to pick up Kenneth from school.......

So yeah, I'm on my way to go pick up my brother from TSU the other weekend to bring him home for the Southern Heritage Classic and wouldn't ya know it...I have a tire blow out! Awww shucks right? BUT wait...the story gets worse! Well, I called Tennessee Highway Patrol and asked them to send somebody to help me put my spare on my car. So as I'm sitting, stressed out, hot, stranded on the side of the road 50 miles outside of Nashville, and waiting on somebody to come help me I decide that I I want to let my windows down to let a breeze in. So I'm sitting in the car with my radio on and suddenly, my lights on my dash start blinking. I'm like...WTF? So I take my keys out, put them back in and try to start my car....NO love from the Six! I was like awwwwww hell naw! Now mind you, I hadn't been sitting in the car for 5 minutes with the radio on before this happened, and I'm thinkin to myself..."I know I've left my car on like this before for way longer than this amount of time and this has never happened before." So, I try again...No luck! Well, now I'm sitting on the side of the road with a blown tire AND a dead battery! WONDERFUL! Ok, so finally the THP sheriff shows up and helps me change my tire and gives me a boost. While I was waiting earlier, I talked to my best friend Lacie (she lives in Nashville) and she said that she would just pick up Kenneth and Brian and meet me at the exit that I was closest to so we could just head back to Memphis from there. So, I met up with her and the boys hop in with me and in what seemed to be like smooth sailing, we're off to the M. I said SEEMED to be...right? As soon as we hit Memphis...right before the Whitten Rd. exit, I have tire blowout #2 of the day. Yeah...that spare said "Hell no, I've had enough!" and for the SECOND time that day, I had to call my mom and tell her I had a flat. So, here I am AGAIN standing on the side of the road at 11:00 p.m. with yet another car problem! Well, at least the boys were with me this time...and thank GOD my brother has roadside assistance on his phone because this time we were gonna have to get the car towed to my house. So we called roadside assistance and they sent a tow truck out to come and get the car and my mom came to take us home. I FINALLY made it home at about 12 something in the morning. Now, tell me something about a LONG day! Lol...But hey, I'm not gonna complain too much because I was BLESSED enough to not be hurt, snatched up when I was by myself, in a wreck, or anything else! Only thing hurting is my BANK ACCOUNT! Lol! But....

Damn....I Miss These Fools!

Every time 2 Live gets together it's GUARANTEED that we're gonna have a good time! I swear...there's never a dull moment with these guys...EVER! So here's just a few of my favorite videos, out of MANY that I have, of the cats that I love the most!

Weed's "Tea Baggin" Freestyle

2 Live "Duffle Bag Boy Remix"

JP's Rendition of Mariah Carey's "Emotions"

CRUMPIN' (Or something like it...Lol!) Contest

Just Thinkin...

So I've been doing a loooot of thinking lately about my future and how my present actions will eventually effect my future, and I realize that I have a few really bad habits that I need to kick before it's too late. For one, I've always been a last minute person. That's just my nature. I don't know where I got the trait from because everyone in my family is so timely with things, but I've always just gotten things done better at the last minute. So, because I've always pulled off whatever it was that needed to be done in last minute fashion, it's become a really terrible habit. Some things, I don't mind procrastinating, because like I said...I've done some of my best work at the last minute. I've gotten plenty of A papers and projects that have been completed the night before. But now, I realize that some things you just CANNOT procrastinate about, and sadly it has taken me 23 years to see that. I didn't realize how set I was in my "last minute" ways until I almost didn't have any classes for this semester, and I was sooo disappointed in myself when I realized how I have let procrastination spill over into many areas of my life. School, work, and just a lot of things in general....when I really think back on a lot of situations that I've missed out on, or could have been prevented and realize that it was that "last minute" mentality that caused it, I get mad at myself because I know that I know better. It's just really upsetting because even though I'm trying to stop, I consciously know that I'm still doing it in some areas and it's because it's from habit. I know habits are hard to break overnight, but I'm trying SO HARD to work on it because I know that if I don't fix it, then I'm not going to be hurting anyone but myself in the long run.

And THIS Is Why I Love Dre!

By now ya'll have read a blog or two that I've written about my boy Dre. Well this is just another reason for me to BRAG on my partner in crime....lol! This is some of the realest ish I've ever read! GEEZE....I wish my words would flow like this when I write! And to Dre...cause I know you're gonna read this...when you have the talent to write something as REAL as this, don't you EVER doubt or question yourself and your abilities!

"Dumb it down, the sounds of empowerment, and let the blacks bust, kill the environment, unity untrue to me, just read the eulogy, slave minds keep the man blind, keep em underneath, the white man, but really i don't blame the white, we use em as a crutch and when it all goes wrong we blame the whites, excuses, take a stand for your ignorance, read a book, and ya wealth will be more than money, stop looking for a handout, think positive, speak the truth and help ya mans out, we are a stone on each others feet, untie the dead weight and then achieve what you seek, but if you seek nothing, you achieve nothing, and what our ancestor fought for then it means nothing, i dummie down my lyrics and still get neglected, now who's being true to who, No respect for myself, confidence is in the grave, They kept me talking bout money which i never made, I played, flashy lights, imma hip hop star, we only talk about hoes, whips, and buying the bar, stop it, thats so so true, and we embellish on the life style, so untrue, dumb it down for the people, just like u, they will soon dummie down to your equal, cause they invest what you speak, and girls accept the fact that shes a bitch or a freak, what happened, the black queen doesnt exist, and then we sit and talk about why our women aint shit ............ HIP HOP"

~ Andre Prewitt


Now...I'm all for the latest trends and fashions from today's top designers, whether I like them or not. But Marc Jacobs is taking it a little far with this one...check out his newest ad for "Marc" by Marc Jacobs.

Well first off...I will say, that this jacket that dude is sporting in the picture on the left is HOT! I wouldn't mind adding that to my wardrobe! But of course, I AM a WOMAN...which brings me to my next blatant observation, which is, that in picture number 2, dude has on a DRESS! I mean....really? Really Marc?! And not ONLY is it a dress....but that junt has a big ass bow on the front of it!

But maybe he's starting this line for men so that he won't be the only man wearing skirts...

Come on now Mr. Jacobs...

Remember 9/11

Remembering 9/11
Author: Unknown

As the soot and dirt and ash rained down,
We became one color.
As we carried each other down the stairs of the burning building,
We became one class.
As we lit candles of waiting and hoping,
We became one generation.
As the firefighters and police officers fought their way into the inferno,
We became one gender.
As we fell to our knees in prayer for strength,
We became one faith.
As we whispered or shouted words of encouragement,
We spoke one language.
As we gave our blood in lines a mile long,
We became one body.
As we mourned together the great loss,
We became one family.
As we cried tears of grief and loss,
We became one soul.
As we retell with pride the sacrifice of heroes,
We become one people.

I'll never forget 9/11. I still recall the exact moment that I found out that our country was under attack. I was in the 11th grade at my locker, getting ready for homeroom and my best friend came to me hysterical because she had just heard the news. The whole mood of the school was a somber one and the news was turned on in all of my classes so that we could see reports of what was going on. I remember seeing the plane hit the second tower live on television and my immediate feeling right then, was that the world was going to end that day. But even though the world didn't end that day, there were thousands of innocent lives that were taken due to the hands of evil. I just wanted to take some time out my day to remember those who lost their lives during the terrorists attacks on September 11, 2001. Their families and loved ones are in my prayers as I know this is a difficult day for them as well as many other Americans all across the country.

CNN has provided a memorial website with a list of all the victims of 9/11 attack. You can view it

Playing Photographer

Ok...so I love, love, LOVE taking pictures! Especially now that I've taken a photography class and learned how to develop and print them myself! One day, I'll scan some of my prints (from my A+ graded portfolio might I add! :-) and post them here. Although taking black and white pics with the throwback 35 mm manual camera is my top preference, (well, that is until I save enough money to buy my Nikon D80) I still love digital photography too! Here are a few pics that I've taken while I was out and about just shooting around with my Canon SD750. Nothing too fancy...just some things that I found interesting! I hope you like them!

These are some shots that I took when I was out and about in Downtown Memphis.
You can click on them to see the full picture.

In Love! **Sigh**

HA! It's not what you think! I mean I AM in love, but it's with a song...lol! You ever hear a song that just so hot it makes you just be like "AHHHHHHH!" Well that's how I feel when I heard "Rising Up" by the Roots featuring Chrisette Michele and Wale. Maaaan, I went CRAZY when I first heard this song. First of all, the beat is PURE SICKNESS, but what else should you expect from The Roots...right?! Add to that, some lyrics that actually talk about something, Chrisette killing the hook and Wale's mean ass flow...and you've got an instant CLASSIC song for the ages! But look, not only is the song hot, but the VIDEO is amazing as well! Again I say,

THIS ladies and gentleman is REAL MUSIC!


Check out the Video

And you can download the song here.

Rising Up - The Roots ft. Chrisette Michele & Wale

Tha Chucks!

Check out my new Chuck Taylors...I designed em myself, and I must give myself a pat on the back because they are F-R-E-S-H! Excuse my humbleness....lol!