Oh shit! I haven't laughed this hard at an internet video in a LONG ass time! The finale had me CRYING! This made my day!


Dr. Cornell West

I had the opportunity to hear Dr. Cornell West speak today at the University of Memphis and I just have to say that he was absolutely AMAZING! From Obama to the "Blues People" Mr. West speaks THE TRUTH! It's people like him that continually give the people of the African American race hope and a sense of direction. He has two books out that I recommend EVERYBODY read...they're entitled "Hope On A Tight Rope" and "Race Matters". I've started reading "Hope On a Tight Rope and I already can't put it down! SO again, if you haven't read the books. PLEASE do so. I promise you won't be disappointed!

The reason that I didn't go into detail about Mr. West's speech is because I have a 30 minute audio clip of it so that you can hear it for yourself! Lol...I'm going to upload it so that I can post it on here.

Beyonce on Oprah!

This is one of the BEST interviews I've seen with Beyonce in a LONG time! But of course, her interviewer IS Oprah, so that should be expected! I love how she has become somewhat candid and open about what's going on in her personal life as well as her work. In less than a week, her new album "I AM...Sasha Fierce" (NOVEMBER 18th...COP THAT!) will be released and I for one, am EXTREMELY excited! I'm ready for the tour already based on her live performances of "Single Ladies" and "If I Were A Boy" alone! I absoloutely ADORE this chick and I've loved watching her grow as an artist from her early Destiny's Child days. But anyway, (cuz ya'll should know by now that I can talk about "B" all day...lol) check out the videos of her interview with Oprah and her performance of "If I Were A Boy". I mean seriously....FIERCE is truly the only word to describe this woman! SHE WORKS!

Happy Birthday To Youuuuuuu!

I just wanted to let everybody know that...

it's my Dre Dre's BIRTHDAY!!!!

So from me to you....

Happy Birthday!

I hope you have a WONDERFUL day and may all of your birthday wishes come true!

Love You!

We Have Overcome! Yes WE DID!

Three weeks ago during Early voting, I voted for Democratic nominee Barack Obama. Tonight at around 10:01 pm. central time, he became the first black President of the United States of America. Words cannot even begin to describe the amount of happiness, pride, and HOPE that I feel right now. I just became a part of a historic election where a BLACK man was voted President of the greatest country in the world. All I could think of was the generations before us that gave up SO much for this one moment right here. I think about my future children and grandchildren who will learn about this moment in years to come and when they do I can say "I was there baby. I voted in that election!" This one single moment has filled me with a feeling of hope that I have never experienced before in my life! I feel like I can do ANYTHING! Thank you Dr. King, Rosa Parks, Malcolm X, Nelson Mandela, Barbara Jordan, the Freedom Riders, and everybody that had ANY place in the Civil Rights Movement, and all the rest of my ancestors. And Thank YOU President Barack Obama...for returning hope back into this nation and to African Americans all over the world. You are truly our "Rock".

"They didnt give us forty acres and a mule, but we got 50 states and a white house, instead!"

Jay-Z Puts on For His Wifey!

B Works. Period.

*Sidenote* Awwww! They're married! :-)

Memphis Pyramid Mentioned In NY Times

A pretty cool article about one of Memphis' most famous structures! Check it out by clicking the link under the picture.

This Land - A City’s Horizon, Reshaped by an Empty Promise - Series - NYTimes.com

Prayers for Jennifer Hudson and Family

I'm so, so, DEEPLY saddened to hear about what has happened in the Hudson family. This is a terrible tragedy of the worst kind. It just baffles me to think that people can kill others in cold blood like that. My heart and prayers go out to Jennifer and the rest of the family members as they are going through this. I know that God will see them through this dark hour.

Strange but True...

As I was making myself a glass of chocolate milk, I came to the realization that I have quite a few weird habits/behaviors...one being the fact that I CANNOT drink my chocolate milk without a straw. Any other beverage I can drink directly from the cup or glass or whatever, but chocolate milk is the only thing I can't drink without a straw...don't ask me why...lol! But anyway, here are a few other strange but true facts about me!

  1. I'll order a burger with everything on it, and then when I get it, I'll pick off the pickles and onions and eat the pickles separately. (I just recently started saying no onions)
  2. I can't STAND for my food to touch and if there's a food that has a lot of juice in it (for example, juice from greens or cabbage) I'll get a napkin and soak up the extra so it won't touch the other food on my plate.
  3. I'm absolutely anal about stuff getting under my nails. I'm always using something to clean up under them...corners of folded paper, the corner of my lipgloss tube, and anything else with a sharp corner that can fit under there! Lol
  4. Sometimes I feel like my eyelashes are tangled and I'll pull at them until I pull a few out...lol
  5. I like the sensation of dull pain. If I have a bump or a bruise or something that hurts when I touch it, I'll constantly mess with it so it'll cause a dull pain. I really have a habit of it when it's a nail cuticle that hurts or where I've pulled an eyelash out...lol!
  6. I still have all of my chicken pox spots from when I was a kid, and they're all very visible.
  7. I like to chew on straws...even after my drink is gone. (I'm chewing the one from my chocolate milk as I sit here now! Lol)
  8. I sleep in all of my jewelry and rarely take any of it off. Earrings, rings, watch, and necklace. If I take anything off, it's only to switch it out with another piece.
  9. I can't STAND the sight of mushrooms....I freak out if I even THINK I see one. They creep me out and the make me immediately start itching. (Ughh! I'm tensed up even thinking about them.)
  10. I'm horrible at talking on the phone so I very rarely do it. I can count on one hand the number of people I've talked to on the phone for 30 minutes or more. I'd much rather text or write.
  11. I can buy something (whether it's clothes, shoes, a dvd, a book, etc.) and wait months before I actually wear it, use it, or even open it.
  12. My room can be a complete mess, and I'll still know where everything is.
  13. I bounce my left leg often and don't even realize I'm doing it, and when I finally do realize it and stop, I'll start again less than 10 seconds later.
  14. I love playing with my hair and I love it when other people play with my hair. Mainly because my mom used to do it when I would lay in her lap as a kid. She actually still does it sometimes, when I feel like being a baby...lol! It's a calming effect!
  15. I have a really bad habit of clicking pens. You know the ones where you press the thing and the pen pops out and press it again and it goes away...well yeah. If I have one of those in my hand I'm gonna be clicking it repeatedly and rapidly...lol! And it's kinda like me bouncing my leg. I won't even realize I'm doing it.

So, yeah these are quite a few of my weird habits/behaviors. I hope you guys don't find me TOO weird now! :-)

Remembering My Daddy!

4 years ago today, I lost my father and it still feels like it just happened yesterday. It's been a long road, but I'm happy because I KNOW he's in a much better place and I can still feel his spirit with me always. So don't worry...I'm, not gonna get all sad on ya'll...lol! I just wanted to share my remembrance.

Check The KICKS!!!

Self Explanatory!

The Forces

The Dunks

This Time We Going Waaay Back!

So I was rumaging around the house and outer house the other day looking for a particular photo album and while I was looking in the bottom of our book case, guess what I found!

Some of my dad's old record collection! I was soooo excited to see them because I when I was younger, they were at my grandparents house and I would look at them and play them on their old stereo system. I didn't even know that he had some of them here at our house! So, as you can see, I wasted no time breaking out the record player and having me a 70's Music listening party...lol! Might I add that my dad had GREAT taste in music! Check out some of the titles! Classics!

I really bumped that Grandmaster Flash & The Furious 5 "Freedom"!
"Somebody, somebody if you wanna party say party, say PARTAY!"

Maaann....I HATE THIS STUPID TRAIN! I get caught at this b*^%h every other day on my way to class! I think it knows when I'm approaching the area...lol. Luckily I have a few extra minutes this morning though cause today this junt decided to get STUCK!

Uploaded by www.cellspin.net


The wonderful thing about imagination is that it doesn't know the rules of reality.

~Me (Kandace Tuggle)

You Already Know!

I HAD to put ya'll on to the new Beyonce Videos! Earlier this week I shared her two new singles Single Ladies (Put A Ring On It) and If I were A Boy! Well in true Beyonce fashion, she already has videos for both songs. And she WORKS! Okay?!?!

Anyway, Enjoy!

Beyonce - Single Ladies (Put A Ring On It)
Check the 2:44 minute mark and the ending. I'm loving how she flashes the rock! Jay put a ring on it!!!! Lol!

Beyonce - If I were A Boy (New) [HQ]
by Le-Tour-2Lor

This video is just absolutely FIE! I love how she did the ending!

What Does This Tell You About Our Economy?

The US government's debts have expanded so badly the National Debt Clock in New York has run out of digits to record the spiraling figure.

NEW YORK - In a sign of the times, the National Debt Clock in New York City has run out of digits to record the growing figure.

As a short-term fix, the digital dollar sign on the billboard-style clock near Times Square has been switched to a figure — the "1" in $10 trillion. It's marking the federal government's current debt at about $10.2 trillion.

The Durst Organization says it plans to update the sign next year by adding two digits. That will make it capable of tracking debt up to a quadrillion dollars.

The late Manhattan real estate developer Seymour Durst put the sign up in 1989 to call attention to what was then a $2.7 trillion debt.

Source: Yahoo! News

New Music From Beyonce!

So B's been off the scene for a minute now, but the Queen is back with two new singles that were released today! So without further ado, I present to you for your listening/downloading pleasure...

Single Ladies (Put A Ring On It)


If I Were A Boy

I'm loving them both! "Single Ladies" kinda reminds me of "Check On It". It's sure to be a club banger! And "If I Were A Boy" was quite a pleasant surprise for me, because this song in not what I call "typical Beyonce". It has more of a rock/alternative sound to it, but it's hot non the less! I'm loving that B is changing it up a little and trying some different material!

(with an intro by Ayelet Schiffman of Columbia Records)

A special THANK YOU from Beyonce and a preview of her upcoming album due out

November 18, 2008

*sigh* I LOVE HER!


Diddy clearly has too much free time on his hands! The song is hot though...He sounding like a real rapper...Lol!

Old School...

My current addiction. I hadn't played in a while, so I picked it up and now I can't put it down.

Uploaded from my iPhone

A Few Inspiring Words

The LORD says stop WORRYING and start WORSHIPING! You have to WORSHIP past your WORRY! He has made me a covenant and by the word of the LORD, everything's gonna be alright!

~Rev. Dr. Gina M. Stewart

This is the message from the Sermon that my Pastor preached on this past Sunday. It spoke VOLUMES to me, so I wanted to share it with you all. You gotta stop worrying about whatever situation it is that has you bound. When it gets to be too much you just gotta stop and say "I give it to YOU God! Remember, there is NOTHING that GOD can't handle! Be Blessed! :-)

Loving This!

I'm the opposite of moderate, immaculately polished with the spirit of a hustler and the swagger of a college kid.
~T.I. on "Live Your Life"

YESSSSS T.I.!!!! The lyricism is DOPE!

Download & Listen to T.I. ft. Rihanna - "Live Your Life"

Public Service Announcement!

La Casa De Kandace

She Fresh...

Fresh, Fresh, Fresh
Yes I'm Fresh...

~Remy Ma

Members Only Jacket - CHECK

And the kicks...

Ordered and coming soon to an outfit near you!

Paying Homage!

As I'm sitting here watching the "A Different World" episode where DeWayne goes on a date with another woman before his and Whitley's engagement party, I felt like just taking some time out to pay homage to one of the best sitcoms ever created. A Different World was one of the few positive black shows in the 80's that displayed young people doing something positive with their lives. It's wonderful to tune into the show and see young black people going to college and meeting the challenges of college life. In fact watching this show really made me want to go to college!

And of course I would be remiss if I didn't also acknowledge the genius of Spike Lee's 1988 film School Daze which portrayed college life at the HBCU "Mission College" in the 80's. I remember when I first saw this movie. I was about 14 years old and I used to ask my parents all kinds of questions about what it was like to pledge in college. (My mom is an AKA and my dad was a Kappa). My dad would give me more detailed answers than my mom would, but one day he brought this movie home and we watched it together. I instantly fell in love with it and it's now one of my favorite movies of all time! Watching that swimsuit party scene with E.U.'s "Doin the Butt" performance had me thinking "MAN...I can't wait to go to a college party"...lol! That junt was fly! Anyway, as I got older and continued to watch it, little by little I began to understand the message, which of course was way more important than just the pledging of a fraternity or sorority. I began to discover the taboos that African-Americans have had to deal with for years within our own race...a lot of which is still very much present today. That eye opening aspect all began with this 121 minute, 40 Acres and a Mule film. Thank you Spike Lee!

They don't make parties like this no more! EVERYbody dancing...and to a live band too! My dad said that their parties used to be jumpin exactly like this! Lol...they partied HARD!!!


I just ran across these pics of Halle Berry and her five-month-old daughter Nahla Ariela Aubry. Look at those eyes! Isn't she is absolutely gorgeous?!

But I mean...check out this gene pool...how could she NOT be gorgeous?! Lol...I can't decide who she looks like more...she has equal features from both of them.

Damn...OJ Caught The Charge This Time!!!

Damn homie. That B***H named Karma finally caught up with O.J.! 13 years to the DAY after being found innocent, he's found guilty on another charge. How wild is that?! Now he done already got a "Get Outta Jail Free" card once, and he still didn't wanna act right! Looks like he might get to serve that life sentence after all. Guess it's true what they say...what goes around TRULY comes back around!
(Cause we ALL know that OJ did it!)

O.J. Simpson, who went from American sports idol to celebrity-in-exile after he was acquitted of murder in 1995, was found guilty Friday of robbing two sports-memorabilia dealers at gunpoint in a Las Vegas hotel room.

Simpson, 61, could spend the rest of his life in prison. Sentenced was set for Dec. 5.

A weary and somber Simpson released a heavy sigh as the charges were read by the clerk in Clark County District Court. He was immediately taken into custody.

The Hall of Fame football star was convicted of kidnapping, armed robbery and 10 other charges for gathering up five men a year ago and storming into a room at a hotel-casino, where the group seized several game balls, plaques and photos. Prosecutors said two of the men with him were armed; one of them said Simpson asked him to bring a gun.

The verdict came 13 years to the day after Simpson was cleared of murdering his ex-wife and a friend of hers in Los Angeles in one of the most sensational trials of the 20th century.

Read the full story here

A Vibe & Adidas Collabo!

Expect nothing but the best...
These are F-R-E-S-H!

Vibe Magazine's 15th Anniversary collaboration with Adidas, the Adidas XVIBE Forum, was officially released on Sept. 25th, at select Adidas Originals stores worldwide. The overall design of the Adidas XBIVE 15th Anniversary Forum is inspired by the year 1993, the year that Vibe Magazine was founded. The Black upper symbolizes Power. To mark the 15th Anniversary of Vibe Magazine, Vibe dropped their infamous JUICE issue, a symbol of urban power. The upper is insipired by the early 90's wave of high end Italian fashion that hit Hip-Hop with artists like the late great Notorious B.I.G and Tupac rhyming and flossing in their Versace and gators. The insole features the text from Vibe's first letter from the editor. It reads:

“It’s took about 15 years for the mainstream to figure out that hip-hop is the most important music culture to emerge since rock ‘n’ roll, that its how a new generation communicates news, information, attitude, politics, fashion, style, rage, hope. It took Quincy Jones about 15 minutes to convince the people at TIME Publishing Ventures that hip-hop needed a voice. We think that Voice should be VIBE.”

The Adidas XVIBE 15th Anniversary Forum will also be available on adidas.com soon.

Article Source : kixandthecity.com (Visit the site to see more pix)

I Laughed Out Loud...LITERALLY!

It never fails...I ALWAYS get a good laugh in when I'm talking to Mandy! She's crazy...LOL...check out this excerpt from one of our IM convos. I had to bring out the "hahaha"s on her cause I was tripping FORREAL!

(Click the pic to see the full size)

And Speaking Of J-Hud...lol

I can't wait to see "The Secret Life of Bees" which will be in theaters on October 17th! With an all-star cast of Dakota Fanning, Queen Latifah, Alicia Keys, Sophie Okonedo, and Jennifer Hudson, critics are already giving it an Oscar buzz! Also appearing in the movie is my boy Tristan Wilds, who is an extremely talented up and coming actor, in my opinion. For those of you who don't know, Tristan played the intensely complex character of "Michael Lee" on HBO's critically acclaimed series, "The Wire" (One of the BEST shows, if not THE BEST to ever grace a television screen!) and since it's cancellation, he's been cast as "Dixon Mills" on the New 90210 spin-off. So I'm excited to see what he brings to this movie. Anyway, here's a brief synopsis and trailer of what the movie is about...

New Music!

Three of the HOTTEST new albums out right now!

As of right now, these are the three albums that are in constant rotation on the iPhone! If you haven't heard them, check em out! And because I don't have any download links right now...GO BUY EM! SUPPORT THE ARTISTS!


Have you ever had a feeling to just overwhelm you to such a degree, it feels like you're physically filled with it? Kinda like your entire chest cavity is filled with that emotion. Whether it's feelings of happiness, love, anger, sadness, emptiness, or pride....when you feel like you're being physically filled with an emotion, it's almost indescribable. I'mma try to explain it the best way possible though, and I hope u feel what I'm saying. When that feeling is sadness, you feel like your heart is breaking into two...I know...I felt it the day my dad died. And even though I have my days when I'm really missing him, nothing compares to that overwhelming, chest filling, emotion I remember having the day he died. On the other hand, when that feeling is happiness, you feel like your chest is gonna burst from the amount of happiness that you're feeling. I felt like that the other day. I was just so happy that my chest felt like it was going to pop open...lol! Don't ask me what brought it on...I don't know and I'm not gonna complain about it! I just know it felt good because I haven't been happy...like THAT...in a long time, if ever.

*SMH* (That's Shaking My Head 4 Those That Don't Know Computer Language)

I was watching MTV Cribs last night and they had one show dedicated to 50 Cent showing his whole crib. Ok...so first of all...this nigga's bedroom looks like a freakin 200,000 sq. ft. condo and his bathroom is as big as the whole lower level of my house...not to mention that his closet size was sickening! Second of all, each member of G-Unit has their own room in the house...in one of the WINGS. Third of all...the guy has an entire nightclub that can hold 22,000 people. And if all of this isn't enough, the man ended the episode by flying his own helicopter away to who knows where! Now I've seen some outrageous stuff on cribs...but never anybody flying their own helicopter away. Simply put....50 just got TOO MUCH DAMN MONEY!!! Lol...ridiculous!

This Is Very Interesting...

My friend Dino sent me this e-mail a couple of days ago with some tidbits of info about the McCain/Palin camp and some of the accusations being made against Obama. I found it pretty interesting and VERY amusing!

I'm a little confused. Let me see if I have this straight.....

* If you grow up in Hawaii and were raised by your grandparents, you're
'exotic, different.'

* Grow up in Alaska eating mooseburgers and it's a quintessential American


* If your name is Barack you're a radical, unpatriotic Muslim.

* Name your kids Willow, Trig and Track, you're a maverick.


* Graduate from Harvard law School and you are unstable.

* Attend 5 different small colleges before graduating, you're well


* If you spend 3 years as a brilliant community organizer, become the
first black President of the Harvard Law Review, create a voter
registration drive that registers 150,000 new voters, spend 12 years as
a Constitutional Law professor, spend 8 years as a State Senator
representing a district with over 750,000 people, become chairman of the
state Senate's Health and Human Services committee, spend 4 years in the
United States Senate representing a state of 13 million people while
sponsoring 131 bills and serving on the Foreign Affairs, Environment and
Public Works and Veteran's Affairs committees, you don't have any real
leadership experience.

* If your total resume is: local weather lady, 4 years on the city
council and 6 years as the mayor of a town with less than 7,000 people,
20 months as the governor of a state with only 650,000 people, then
you're qualified to become the country's second highest ranking


* If you have been married to the same woman for 19 years while raising
2 beautiful daughters, all within Protestant churches, you're not a real

* If you cheated on your first wife with a rich heiress, and left your
disfigured wife and married the heiress the next month, you're a


* If you teach responsible, age appropriate sex education, including the
proper use of birth control, you are eroding the fiber of society.

* If, while governor, you staunchly advocate abstinence only, with no
other option in sex education in your state's school system while your
unwed teen daughter ends up pregnant , you're very


* If your wife is a Harvard graduate lawyer who gave up a position in a
prestigious law firm to work for the betterment of her inner city
community, then gave that up to raise a family, your family's
values don't represent America's.

* If you're husband is nicknamed 'First Dude',? with at least one DWI
conviction and no college education, who didn't register to vote until
age 25 and once was a member of a group that advocated the
secession of Alaska from the USA, your family is extremely admirable.

OK, it's much clearer now.

Photoshop Is The BEST!!!

Yesterday, I finally decided to use Photoshop CS3 for it's BASIC function and that was to...TA DA...enhance photos! Lol...these are some of my pictures that I've taken the ones on the left being the original shots and the right ones are their edited versions. I basically just played with the Shadows/Highlights and Brightness/Contrast to bring out more of the color and details within the photos. Some of these are pics that I haven't posted before, and some you have seen before on my "Playing Photographer" post, but hey...it won't hurt ya to see em again! Lol! But yeah...check em out and let me know what you think and if you like the original or edited versions better!

And this is a picture that Dre took...I loved it so much I wanted to put a little tweak on it too! Lol!