This Time We Going Waaay Back!

So I was rumaging around the house and outer house the other day looking for a particular photo album and while I was looking in the bottom of our book case, guess what I found!

Some of my dad's old record collection! I was soooo excited to see them because I when I was younger, they were at my grandparents house and I would look at them and play them on their old stereo system. I didn't even know that he had some of them here at our house! So, as you can see, I wasted no time breaking out the record player and having me a 70's Music listening! Might I add that my dad had GREAT taste in music! Check out some of the titles! Classics!

I really bumped that Grandmaster Flash & The Furious 5 "Freedom"!
"Somebody, somebody if you wanna party say party, say PARTAY!"

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