Paying Homage!

As I'm sitting here watching the "A Different World" episode where DeWayne goes on a date with another woman before his and Whitley's engagement party, I felt like just taking some time out to pay homage to one of the best sitcoms ever created. A Different World was one of the few positive black shows in the 80's that displayed young people doing something positive with their lives. It's wonderful to tune into the show and see young black people going to college and meeting the challenges of college life. In fact watching this show really made me want to go to college!

And of course I would be remiss if I didn't also acknowledge the genius of Spike Lee's 1988 film School Daze which portrayed college life at the HBCU "Mission College" in the 80's. I remember when I first saw this movie. I was about 14 years old and I used to ask my parents all kinds of questions about what it was like to pledge in college. (My mom is an AKA and my dad was a Kappa). My dad would give me more detailed answers than my mom would, but one day he brought this movie home and we watched it together. I instantly fell in love with it and it's now one of my favorite movies of all time! Watching that swimsuit party scene with E.U.'s "Doin the Butt" performance had me thinking "MAN...I can't wait to go to a college party"! That junt was fly! Anyway, as I got older and continued to watch it, little by little I began to understand the message, which of course was way more important than just the pledging of a fraternity or sorority. I began to discover the taboos that African-Americans have had to deal with for years within our own race...a lot of which is still very much present today. That eye opening aspect all began with this 121 minute, 40 Acres and a Mule film. Thank you Spike Lee!

They don't make parties like this no more! EVERYbody dancing...and to a live band too! My dad said that their parties used to be jumpin exactly like this! Lol...they partied HARD!!!

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