Dr. Cornell West

I had the opportunity to hear Dr. Cornell West speak today at the University of Memphis and I just have to say that he was absolutely AMAZING! From Obama to the "Blues People" Mr. West speaks THE TRUTH! It's people like him that continually give the people of the African American race hope and a sense of direction. He has two books out that I recommend EVERYBODY read...they're entitled "Hope On A Tight Rope" and "Race Matters". I've started reading "Hope On a Tight Rope and I already can't put it down! SO again, if you haven't read the books. PLEASE do so. I promise you won't be disappointed!

The reason that I didn't go into detail about Mr. West's speech is because I have a 30 minute audio clip of it so that you can hear it for yourself! Lol...I'm going to upload it so that I can post it on here.

1 comment:

oNe mAn gAng said...

big ups on this post...