Strange but True...

As I was making myself a glass of chocolate milk, I came to the realization that I have quite a few weird habits/ being the fact that I CANNOT drink my chocolate milk without a straw. Any other beverage I can drink directly from the cup or glass or whatever, but chocolate milk is the only thing I can't drink without a straw...don't ask me! But anyway, here are a few other strange but true facts about me!

  1. I'll order a burger with everything on it, and then when I get it, I'll pick off the pickles and onions and eat the pickles separately. (I just recently started saying no onions)
  2. I can't STAND for my food to touch and if there's a food that has a lot of juice in it (for example, juice from greens or cabbage) I'll get a napkin and soak up the extra so it won't touch the other food on my plate.
  3. I'm absolutely anal about stuff getting under my nails. I'm always using something to clean up under them...corners of folded paper, the corner of my lipgloss tube, and anything else with a sharp corner that can fit under there! Lol
  4. Sometimes I feel like my eyelashes are tangled and I'll pull at them until I pull a few
  5. I like the sensation of dull pain. If I have a bump or a bruise or something that hurts when I touch it, I'll constantly mess with it so it'll cause a dull pain. I really have a habit of it when it's a nail cuticle that hurts or where I've pulled an eyelash!
  6. I still have all of my chicken pox spots from when I was a kid, and they're all very visible.
  7. I like to chew on straws...even after my drink is gone. (I'm chewing the one from my chocolate milk as I sit here now! Lol)
  8. I sleep in all of my jewelry and rarely take any of it off. Earrings, rings, watch, and necklace. If I take anything off, it's only to switch it out with another piece.
  9. I can't STAND the sight of mushrooms....I freak out if I even THINK I see one. They creep me out and the make me immediately start itching. (Ughh! I'm tensed up even thinking about them.)
  10. I'm horrible at talking on the phone so I very rarely do it. I can count on one hand the number of people I've talked to on the phone for 30 minutes or more. I'd much rather text or write.
  11. I can buy something (whether it's clothes, shoes, a dvd, a book, etc.) and wait months before I actually wear it, use it, or even open it.
  12. My room can be a complete mess, and I'll still know where everything is.
  13. I bounce my left leg often and don't even realize I'm doing it, and when I finally do realize it and stop, I'll start again less than 10 seconds later.
  14. I love playing with my hair and I love it when other people play with my hair. Mainly because my mom used to do it when I would lay in her lap as a kid. She actually still does it sometimes, when I feel like being a! It's a calming effect!
  15. I have a really bad habit of clicking pens. You know the ones where you press the thing and the pen pops out and press it again and it goes away...well yeah. If I have one of those in my hand I'm gonna be clicking it repeatedly and! And it's kinda like me bouncing my leg. I won't even realize I'm doing it.

So, yeah these are quite a few of my weird habits/behaviors. I hope you guys don't find me TOO weird now! :-)

1 comment:

Andre Prewitt said...

lol, I hate mushrooms by the way too babe, U inspired me to post mines, blogs coming soon.