We Have Overcome! Yes WE DID!

Three weeks ago during Early voting, I voted for Democratic nominee Barack Obama. Tonight at around 10:01 pm. central time, he became the first black President of the United States of America. Words cannot even begin to describe the amount of happiness, pride, and HOPE that I feel right now. I just became a part of a historic election where a BLACK man was voted President of the greatest country in the world. All I could think of was the generations before us that gave up SO much for this one moment right here. I think about my future children and grandchildren who will learn about this moment in years to come and when they do I can say "I was there baby. I voted in that election!" This one single moment has filled me with a feeling of hope that I have never experienced before in my life! I feel like I can do ANYTHING! Thank you Dr. King, Rosa Parks, Malcolm X, Nelson Mandela, Barbara Jordan, the Freedom Riders, and everybody that had ANY place in the Civil Rights Movement, and all the rest of my ancestors. And Thank YOU President Barack Obama...for returning hope back into this nation and to African Americans all over the world. You are truly our "Rock".

"They didnt give us forty acres and a mule, but we got 50 states and a white house, instead!"

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