10 Things I'm Realizing At This Exact Moment...

  1. HTML gives me a headache!
  2. I am officially declaring myself as an “Olympics Junkie.”
  3. This plane ticket I’m SUPPOSED to be buying to go to New York at the end of August is probably gonna be expensive as hell.
  4. I haven’t had a carbonated drink in days!
  5. I love my friends to death! We had tooo much fun tonight at Bigfoot.
  6. This month’s issue of Vibe is the thickest one I’ve seen in a while..and HOV is on the cover. YES!
  7. I need to e-mail this man about some work he wants me to do.
  8. Oops…I need to text Amanda back.
  9. Dre just got real quiet on instant messenger.
  10. 10. Dang…it’s 2:05 a.m. already.

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