
Need to get back on my blogging sh*t. I been slackin...

My Apologies I know I've been neglecting the blog. I'm sorry about that! There are no excuses for my absence...I just haven't had the desire to post a blog entry lately! I promise that I'll try to do better in the 09 though! So, for a's a few updates as to what's been going on...

- I'm scheduled to graduate from the University of Memphis this summer!! I'll be getting my degree in Interdisciplinary Studies with a focus on Criminal Justice & Cultural Studies. (Somebody shout AMEN!!!!)

- Recently got hired as a freelance graphic designer with the Carter Malone Group public relations firm, so I'm SUPER excited about that!

- Looking into applying to the Art Institues (probably in Atlanta or Chicago) so that I can further my studies in Graphic Design

Aaaannnddd...that's about it! Everything else in my life has been pretty much the same, which is a good thing I guess. I'm blessed so no complaints. But patient with me...I'm tryin to do better!

OH...and by the can keep up with my daily rants now on twitter too. I recently joined and I'm addicted already! Hit me up there!


Oh shit! I haven't laughed this hard at an internet video in a LONG ass time! The finale had me CRYING! This made my day!


Dr. Cornell West

I had the opportunity to hear Dr. Cornell West speak today at the University of Memphis and I just have to say that he was absolutely AMAZING! From Obama to the "Blues People" Mr. West speaks THE TRUTH! It's people like him that continually give the people of the African American race hope and a sense of direction. He has two books out that I recommend EVERYBODY read...they're entitled "Hope On A Tight Rope" and "Race Matters". I've started reading "Hope On a Tight Rope and I already can't put it down! SO again, if you haven't read the books. PLEASE do so. I promise you won't be disappointed!

The reason that I didn't go into detail about Mr. West's speech is because I have a 30 minute audio clip of it so that you can hear it for yourself! Lol...I'm going to upload it so that I can post it on here.

Beyonce on Oprah!

This is one of the BEST interviews I've seen with Beyonce in a LONG time! But of course, her interviewer IS Oprah, so that should be expected! I love how she has become somewhat candid and open about what's going on in her personal life as well as her work. In less than a week, her new album "I AM...Sasha Fierce" (NOVEMBER 18th...COP THAT!) will be released and I for one, am EXTREMELY excited! I'm ready for the tour already based on her live performances of "Single Ladies" and "If I Were A Boy" alone! I absoloutely ADORE this chick and I've loved watching her grow as an artist from her early Destiny's Child days. But anyway, (cuz ya'll should know by now that I can talk about "B" all check out the videos of her interview with Oprah and her performance of "If I Were A Boy". I mean seriously....FIERCE is truly the only word to describe this woman! SHE WORKS!

Happy Birthday To Youuuuuuu!

I just wanted to let everybody know that...

it's my Dre Dre's BIRTHDAY!!!!

So from me to you....

Happy Birthday!

I hope you have a WONDERFUL day and may all of your birthday wishes come true!

Love You!

We Have Overcome! Yes WE DID!

Three weeks ago during Early voting, I voted for Democratic nominee Barack Obama. Tonight at around 10:01 pm. central time, he became the first black President of the United States of America. Words cannot even begin to describe the amount of happiness, pride, and HOPE that I feel right now. I just became a part of a historic election where a BLACK man was voted President of the greatest country in the world. All I could think of was the generations before us that gave up SO much for this one moment right here. I think about my future children and grandchildren who will learn about this moment in years to come and when they do I can say "I was there baby. I voted in that election!" This one single moment has filled me with a feeling of hope that I have never experienced before in my life! I feel like I can do ANYTHING! Thank you Dr. King, Rosa Parks, Malcolm X, Nelson Mandela, Barbara Jordan, the Freedom Riders, and everybody that had ANY place in the Civil Rights Movement, and all the rest of my ancestors. And Thank YOU President Barack Obama...for returning hope back into this nation and to African Americans all over the world. You are truly our "Rock".

"They didnt give us forty acres and a mule, but we got 50 states and a white house, instead!"

Jay-Z Puts on For His Wifey!

B Works. Period.

*Sidenote* Awwww! They're married! :-)

Memphis Pyramid Mentioned In NY Times

A pretty cool article about one of Memphis' most famous structures! Check it out by clicking the link under the picture.

This Land - A City’s Horizon, Reshaped by an Empty Promise - Series -

Prayers for Jennifer Hudson and Family

I'm so, so, DEEPLY saddened to hear about what has happened in the Hudson family. This is a terrible tragedy of the worst kind. It just baffles me to think that people can kill others in cold blood like that. My heart and prayers go out to Jennifer and the rest of the family members as they are going through this. I know that God will see them through this dark hour.