My Apologies I know I've been neglecting the blog. I'm sorry about that! There are no excuses for my absence...I just haven't had the desire to post a blog entry lately! I promise that I'll try to do better in the 09 though! So, for a's a few updates as to what's been going on...

- I'm scheduled to graduate from the University of Memphis this summer!! I'll be getting my degree in Interdisciplinary Studies with a focus on Criminal Justice & Cultural Studies. (Somebody shout AMEN!!!!)

- Recently got hired as a freelance graphic designer with the Carter Malone Group public relations firm, so I'm SUPER excited about that!

- Looking into applying to the Art Institues (probably in Atlanta or Chicago) so that I can further my studies in Graphic Design

Aaaannnddd...that's about it! Everything else in my life has been pretty much the same, which is a good thing I guess. I'm blessed so no complaints. But patient with me...I'm tryin to do better!

OH...and by the can keep up with my daily rants now on twitter too. I recently joined and I'm addicted already! Hit me up there!